For your pet's first steps

Puppy and Kitten Care in Tampa, FL

At Westshore Animal Hospital, we are here to help you as you start your relationship with your newest family member. Learn more about our puppy and kitten care services below.


Puppy and Kitten Care

Have you recently acquired a new puppy or kitten? Congratulations on your new family member! When you bring your new pet home, one of the first things you should do is introduce them to us, your veterinary care team at Westshore Animal Hospital. Puppy and kitten visits provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get you and your new pet off to a good start!

A complete “nose-to-tail” physical examination will be performed during your puppy or kitten’s appointment. We’ll look for any symptoms of illness and make sure your new pet is healthy.

We will work hard to assist you in understanding your pet’s health concerns, and we urge you to participate in health-care decisions for your puppy or kitten. Visits with puppies and kittens are a great way to get your new pet started on the path to a happy, healthy life. Together, let’s take these critical first steps.